A Busy Week!

     What a great first week back.  Students are engaged in collaborative learning groups, team building, problem solving, and technology.  Classes have been learning about Edmodo, an Internet program that is designed similar to Facebook, but is used for educational purposes.  The students are learning the program quickly and are excited about the discussions they are having with Mrs. Peery.  Mr. McBride has been working hard towards teaching all of our fifth graders science safety and the students are having a great time.  Fourth graders have been busy writers this week.  It was great walking around and reading their goals for this school year.  I am so impressed with our third graders!  They are working hard and showing us what they know.  This has been a great first week and I so glad to have these students with us.  Thank you for letting us work with your children.  

     Pep Rally…..today the high school has its first pep rally.  Parents it is very important that you send a note with your child so their teacher will know that someone will be here to pick them up.  Students with a note will be taken to the cafeteria.  At 2:45 we will begin letting parents pick up students to take them.  We will have a sign out sheet for you to sign so if you arrive early you are welcome to sign them out, but they will be released at 2:45. There are lots of visitors on campus so this is a way we can get your children to you quickly and safely.  IF your child did not have a note and you come you will need to go to the office and check them out through the office.  Please know that this might take some more time.  We appreciate your help and patience with us during this process!

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