Thank You

I first want to say thank you to all of the parents that brought treats and helped make yesterday special for our teachers and staff.  The food was yummy and we appreciated your kind words.  It is great having parents involved and helping make this a successful school year.  Several of you have been kind and donated your time throughout this semester and we appreciate it so much.  I look forward to seeing you on campus helping with different events in the spring semester.

The events that occurred last Friday have made all of us stop and take a moment to hug our own children and students tighter. The students and staff never missed a beat yesterday and our day carried on like any other normal day for White Oak Intermediate.  It was comforting to see those smiles, hear the laughter, and see the excitement for the holidays coming from classrooms.

This week our classes will be having their winter parties.  We sent a note home last week asking that if you are planning on attending and have already had your license scanned to return the note so we can preprint your badge for you.  Several of you have done this and we appreciate it.  We hope that this will help with the lines on Friday morning.  If you do not send in a note or if we do not have you in our system you will have to wait in line to have a badge printed.  We apologize for the wait, but appreciate your understanding.  Staff members will be located throughout the building checking for badges.

Thank you for your continued support this school year.  I am looking forward to a great spring semester.